Transform your life from inside out!

The programs you will find here are to help you make a difference in your life.

They are helping you to know clearly the difference between your ego-based thoughts and your Higher self-thoughts so you can stop limiting yourself, and stop feeling victims of your own life, so you know where to find your power to design your life and overcome mental space obstacles on a daily basis. In each program Dr. Nathalie help you free your mind and liberate your mind from ego-based control.

To be a new you, you must have new thoughts about your Self.

Breathe In, let go of your ego-based thoughts and vision,
see from your Soul, and Love Out!

Learn to breathe in life the way it is, to let go of all your ego-based thoughts and vision, so you can start seeing from your Soul, understanding what is the way it is how it is when it is, and then you can only Love Out with a gratitude attitude, knowing that your perceptions and beliefs are yours, and you have control of your mental space.

Breathe In, Love Out!


Undoing and changing your ego-values and beliefs of what is and was.


Sorting and deciding which beliefs and changes are no longer and will no longer be helpful.


Voluntarily letting go of what will not serve your tomorrow by regaining your power.


Solidifying changes and newness in calm and peace of mind.


Confusion coming from a clarity of understanding that the new choices are still from the perspective of an ego-identity.


Regaining one's inner power and True peace of mind coming from a state of Being knowing that the Truth is greater than the ego.


The online programs and courses, which I am pleased to share here with you, can contribute to your well-being and help you on your mindfulness or spiritual journey. Each helps you better understand that the ego controls the mental space more often than you perhaps think, and helps you regain control so that you can live in harmony with your Higher Self... to enable you to realize your deepest dreams by trusting your full potential, therefore, by reconnecting with your inner power which is greater than your ego.

We all have an ego-identity that loves its ego-reality and keeps us in an ego-comfort zone. It is this ego-reality that is often problematic since it pleases our ego but keeps us from being happy or fully happy. Too often we accept the idea that it is better than nothing, or that what we want may not be us after all. We also all have our divine essence which can transform each ego-identity and therefore our ego-reality. We can all create our lives according to our deepest dreams just as we can let life create itself by default from our limiting thoughts. The choice is always ours. That is our free-will.

Your intuition, your inspiration or someone has guided you here... perhaps it is the time to listen to yourself, to listen to your inner Self which invites you and encourages you to a full expansion of yourSelf and not only from your ego-identity.

Are you at the right place?

  • Are you a spiritually oriented person wanting to make a difference and wanting to live your own life mission and purpose?  
  • Are you eager to be more empowered but not in an ego-based way?
  • Do you love auto-didact programs because you are self-motivated by following your own inner inspirations more often than not?

Then we are a good fit because that’s how I make sure all the programs I create can help you do. 

I am sharing and teaching important valuable and priceless information, and you have PDF for your own inner work. 

The beauty is you can fit them all in your own schedule so that there is no ego interference telling you maybe later I can take the time to start this or that. 

Your well-being and harmony start with you saying yes to your Self.

Dr. Nathalie Turgeon Ph.D. 

Go to the Source to transcend what is

Often when a person hears "go to the source of the problem" or a situation, they can think of what physically caused the problem that could be elsewhere in the body, or who is to blame for the situation, or find the situation that is causing a mental stress that caused the physical problem.

Going to the source of the problem is lifting up the ego-veils and going to your deep source, your Inner Self, to better collaborate and see what is not aligned between your Soul and your ego... and go to the Source of your Being.

Your Inner Self seeks to capture your attention by sounding alarms. Your ego challenges you with negativity and dis-ease when there are misalignments with your essence, like a GPS indicating that you are not on the right path, the harmony one. This dis-comfort is a sign that there is a statement or belief that is not beneficial nor True.

Life is beautifully sprinkled with life lessons to remember and find our Authentic Self. It is through these negativities and dis-ease that we can let go of the control of our ego and give it back its role as an ally. It is often through these difficult or even intolerable situations that a person (finally) surrenders to him/her Self.

One cannot see the magnificent stars without the darkness, and often the denser the darkness, the brighter the stars will be to guide one's path.

One of the steps on a mindfulness journey is to meet-again your Inner Self and to become fully aware of your Self and your ego (ego-personality, ego-identity, ego-reality) to achieve the beautiful harmony that can exist between the two. It is by making our ego our ally that we learn to understand our mental space to gradually change our thought-system... to stop thinking and believing from the ego-based one.

Succeeding in finding the source of a belief, a statement or an association can allow you to let go and create from what is desired in the present moment.

Take the time to take the time to let your inner Self shine.

  • 7-Day challenge Create your own mindfulness routine

    Great course Informative, gets you thinking, grounding and own practices Thank you! Great to do. Valuable information. Clear explanations. Engaging delivery. Helpful practice activities. Accurate course description. Knowledgeable instructor. - Carol

  • Deeper unconditional gratitude

    This course made me realize that the practice of gratitude is not that difficult to follow, especially when you can start with tangible things. Thank you. I thank Dr. Nathalie Turgeon for this course. ***** Valuable information. Clear explanations. Engaging delivery. Helpful practice activities. Accurate course description. Knowledgeable instructor. -A.S.

  • 7-Day challenge Create your own mindfulness routine

    This course was amazing and so interesting. The tutor Dr. Nathalie knows her stuff. I learned valuable information. I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I highly recommend this course to others. - Gemma

  • Deeper unconditional gratitude

    Your easy quick exercises helped me when I thought I had nothing to live for. I tried to commit suicide, but when I was sinking, I thought about (…), and I thought about you told me that gratitude is the key. I took those 2 minutes to think about it and I swimmed back that river at 4am because I was not ready to leave. I got out, called the cops, went to the hospital, got help (…). I went back to life because I was grateful to have a mom, I was grateful I felt love at the last moment, grateful for my accomplishments, grateful to have you at that time and grateful to know it was not the time to go. (…) Thank you for helping me to get up. -M.H.

  • Unearth your life mission

    Nathalie, during these 8 weeks I found myself digging up my weeds and discovering pretty flowers that were there but hadn't noticed. With your teaching, I welcomed and understood that behind every weed hides pretty flowers. Thank you for this beautiful process, well designed and presented. The activities, the questionnaires, the tips and tricks, in short, the whole training allowed me to progress towards my Mission. Thank you for your generosity, your authenticity, your professionalism and so on. I really found my Life Mission thanks to you. Now I just have to do it and I'm counting on it. Sincerely ! -Anne.

  • Thank you!

    You question, you encourage, you guide, you observe. You make the world more beautiful. Thank you. This definitely represents you as a person. I will be eternally grateful that our paths have crossed ... Thanks to you, I am gradually evolving towards the best version of myself. -M.C.

Stop ego-sabotage or self-sabotage!

Become aware of your limitations, thought patterns, abilities and attitudes limiting the belief in living your dreams. 5 days (1/week) of mindfulness to better understand your mental space.

Take control of how you see everything... effortlessly

Whether life or situations are difficult, reprogramming your subconscious to lift up the ego-veils... is up to you. Take back control of your mental space. Mindfully choose the emotions and thoughts that you will feed.

Create your own mindfulness routine

Be Authentic. Be You. Be True. Allow your Inner Self to shine at all times, not just in the morning or at the end of the day. One easy habit a day to let your Inner Self shine through your daily life.

Fun tips to help your stress-management

Add one self-help tool per week to your well-being library, to help you enjoy your life mindfully. Having a positive mindset is not always as easy as it sounds and these tools can help you approach your days and situations with a little more ease.

Guided meditation to let go

It is not always easy to let go of worries. I am guiding you to create a mind space, your little personal paradise, where you can let go of one worry. Then go back anytime you want to to let go of other worries that will take too much mind space.

Would you like to be able to feel Zen almost instantly when you need it?

You do not need to know what Reiki is or even practice yoga. I am sharing with you here some basic notions of Reiki and chakras in the theoretical segments, and you also have a short video demonstration to allow you to know how to quiet your mind and your energy by taking a few minutes a day to feel more Zen. This little teaching/presentation will only take 30 minutes of your time today... and will provide hours of well-being when you need it. Make your Self a priority!

Mindfulness meditations for each chakra

Here are downloadable mindfulness meditations for each of the chakras with affirmations, as seen in *Self-Treatment Reiki to Harmonize Your Chakras*. (Downloadable mp3 audios)

Be conscious of your subconscious!

With the help of an analogy that allows you to understand very simply how your conscious and subconscious work at any time of the day, I invite you to watch a short presentation that I made to explain to you in all simplicity one of the basics of metaphysics. This is not a presentation to understand the world of quantum physics but yes, you will become more aware of your subconscious and you will be able to better understand your thoughts and beliefs. This is a wonderful first step on a mindfulness journey.

Nice to meet you!

Hello! I am Nathalie, a Metaphysical practitioner and spiritual teacher (spiritual and life coaching). I work with clients to help them understand their mental space, and allow their inner Self to shine out through everything they do, so they can live in harmony with themselves and enjoy following their inspirations and inspired actions... to enjoy their personal life's mission, and to follow and realize their true dreams, not just the ego-based ones. Are you ready to regain control of your mental space and step into the gratitude frequency to better live your dreams? 

Allow me to make a difference in your life.

It's time to Breathe In, to let go of your ego-based thoughts and vision, to see from your Soul, and to Love Out!

to know more about Dr Nathalie Turgeon Ph.D.

Working with Nathalie is a transformative experience, illuminating paths I never imagined taking.

From our first meeting, her warm presence and attentive listening put me at ease, allowing me to open up and confide with confidence. Her ability to create a safe and welcoming space was the foundation of our successful collaboration.

Her wisdom and intuition, combined with a deep knowledge of coaching, guided me through my own barriers, helping me recognize and unlock my potential. She knew how to ask the right questions, those that pushed me to think deeply and to see beyond what I thought possible.

I am particularly grateful for the times when she was able to encourage me with kindness, motivate me with passion and support me with unwavering patience. Her insight and ability to see the best in me inspired me to push myself, every step of the way.

She helped me balance my inner being with my outer aspirations, leading to a harmony I had never known.

Nathalie is an angel to me, I have great gratitude to this magnificent and powerful woman.

- Isabelle Turcotte


  • Consultation

    Thank you ++++++++ for this wonderful consultation. As I told you, your words put words to my feelings. Your talk clarified my questions. I'm going to work on my 8 life lessons... especially the 8th lesson :-) -Sylvie

  • Thank you!

    WOW !!! and RE-WOW!!! I did not expect to receive such a beautiful and complete document. My first observation is that everything is so true. (...) Thank you so much for this beautiful gift, you cannot know how much I appreciate it, especially at this time in my life. -T.R.

  • 7-Day challenge Create your own mindfulness routine

    I completed the 7-day challenge and I really enjoyed it. I encourage you to do it. It starts the day well and it is not very long and it's very inspiring!!! Thank you Nathalie!! -Anne

  • Thank you!

    Thanks again. Sometimes it's not clairvoyance that we need, but someone listening and advice. Yours are always positive and comforting. Thank you! xox -Nancy

  • Unearth your life mission

    Brilliant workshop that taught me a lot so far!!! It really lives up to its name because I really feel like I unearthed my mission and it's a great gift you're giving us with this workshop. Looking forward to next week and seriously a bit sad because it will be the last. Thank you Nathalie! -A.B.

  • Consultation

    Thanks Nathalie! You are such a great support. I don't even feel the urge to apologize when expressing how I feel ... this idea had a big impact on me to think positively. You always help me understand myself. Thanks Nathalie! -Yenni

You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself.(...)  Your higher concept is waiting for you to incarnate it.

-Neville Goddard

First comes the challenge of being who we are and should be, looking at ourselves in the eyes of others.

Next comes the challenge of being ourself by looking into our own gaze through the eyes of our ego.

Then comes the challenge of being our Self, living the harmony between ourself and our inner Self without ego-expectations or ego-definitions.

Then comes the peace of being our Self, simply Being, knowing that everything is illusion and that it is up to us to embody the identity to help the greater good.

Give yourself time. Allow your Self to be.

Breathe in, let go of your ego-based thoughts and vision, see from your Soul, and Love Out!

If you don't know where to start... I suggest this one.

Dr. Nathalie Turgeon Ph.D.

Stop ego-sabotage or self-sabotage! Become aware of your limitations, thought patterns, abilities and attitudes limiting the belief in living your dreams. 5 days (1/week) of mindfulness to better understand your mental space.